
Archive for the ‘Melbourne area’ Category.

Melbourne 2ème jour – Balade dans le centre

29 mars 2011 Nous passons une grande partie de la journée à faire du travail scolaire. Dans l’après midi, nous décidons d’aller faire un tour dans le centre. Nous nous garons près d’un arrêt du vieux tramway et partons à la découverte des rues du centre. Le City Circle Tram read more…

Melbourne – Day 1 – Looking Around

Dear blog readers. We are sorry for the long delay in updating the blog. We are back home in Oslo now and have had a hectic 10 days since we came home. I’ve also had a light case of writer’s block the last days. It has been hard getting back read more…

Last Day on the Farm

March 27, 2011 After a good night’s sleep life continued on the farm. Sofia, Teddy and Tessa had to leave in the morning because the kids were going to birthday parties, but John was kind enough to stay behind with us and took care of us for the day. Viktor continued read more…

A Day at the Farm

March 26, 2011 It was great to see John again. I met him in 2007 through my work. At that time he was Executive Director at a large US investment bank and living in San Francisco. At one point he was flying over to Oslo for a very important meeting. read more…

De Hamilton Island à Melbourne

25 mars 2011 Notre semaine sur Hamilton Island est passée très vite, il faut déjà repartir… Destination: Melbourne. A notre arrivée à Melbourne, nous sommes surpris par la température: 14 degrés! Il est vrai que nous avons traversé l’Australie du nord au sud, ou presque. De plus, il a fait read more…
